Identifying Risk Across the Enterprise – Part 7

Identifying Risk Across the Enterprise – Part 7

EnterpriseIn the January 1, 2009 edition of CFO Magazine , an article entitled Rethinking Riskreferenced a recent survey of 125 CFO’s.  The survey reports that 62% of the respondents blame the financial crisis on “risk management’s inability to understand complex financial instruments”.  It states that nearly 75% of the executives rank risk management ahead of many key issues facing the…

From Zero to Hero

From Zero to Hero

One of the main problems with companies is that their sights are often set too low—using efficiency measures that don’t reflect their operation’s full potential. For example, a recent analysis of 27 manufacturers showed that on average the companies were operating at 71% of their maximum efficiency.  However, a deeper analysis based on their assets’ “true…

Customer Calls Reliability 360; Addressing Future Challenges @ the Speed of Light

Customer Calls Reliability 360; Addressing Future Challenges @ the Speed of Light

The Misconception of Reliability and Availability After a 10 year reliability journey that takes me across the appliances, power generation, aerospace, component placement, electronics design, wireless, and finally the cable industries, I would like to share my astonishing discovery with my friends and foes alike. My focus will be on the cable industry where my recent…

Eliminate Unnecessary Customer Calls

Eliminate Unnecessary Customer Calls

Are your call center costs way too high? Are your customers’ experiences way too low? Poor customer care is not only pervasive and widely publicized, but seems to be getting worse. Witness the recent uproars about Dell Computer and AOL. More and more I have seen clients that are frantic, though internally focused, saying, “Our budget for handling…