Stream-Mining Work: Connecting the Crosscurrents of Knowledge by Kelvin F. Cross

Stream-Mining Work: Connecting the Crosscurrents of Knowledge by Kelvin F. Cross

The vice president of leading HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) laments: “We know how to streamline work from point A to point B, but we don’t know how to routinely and rapidly streamline learning from our collective experiences, especially across our disparate functions and  processes.” She is not alone. 

Small Teams, Big Results

Small Teams, Big Results

Small teams in large corporations can ‘out small’ today’s successful smaller players, and win big. Smaller competitors to today’s largest corporations are consistently winning in customer satisfaction ratings without the so-called economies of scale associated with large (frequently out-sourced) customer care centers. For the largest companies in some key sectors – such as telecommunications, technology, andfinancial services – there is the potential…

Eliminate Unnecessary Customer Calls

Eliminate Unnecessary Customer Calls

Are your call center costs way too high? Are your customers’ experiences way too low? Poor customer care is not only pervasive and widely publicized, but seems to be getting worse. Witness the recent uproars about Dell Computer and AOL. More and more I have seen clients that are frantic, though internally focused, saying, “Our budget for handling…