
The Best—and Worst—States to Avoid Income Taxes

Tax Day—it’s April 18 this year, for you procrastinators—is a bracing annual reminder of how deeply the government reaches into our pockets. One way to reduce your income tax burden? Switch states. Federal tax rates are the same no matter where you live, but state income taxes are all over the place. Did you know… logo

Europe’s Banks Face a Frightening Future

A few noteworthy events have led European banking to reach a proverbial point of no return. It’s no wonder that investors are running out of patience with European bank chieftains. Since the unfortunate fall of Lehman Brothers in 2008, eight of Europe’s biggest banks (including Deutsche Bank) have had to layoff around 100,000 employees, pay billions…

PE deals hit as banks curb lending for leveraged buyouts

PE deals hit as banks curb lending for leveraged buyouts

For KKR & Co LP, the private equity firm behind some of the world’s largest leveraged buyouts, the acquisition of U.S. outdoor retailer Mills Fleet Farm for a little more than $1.2 billion should have been a formality. The New York-based firm was indeed very close to clinching the deal in late November. But then, the junk… logo

Health-Care Check-Up: Whose System Is Least Efficient?

Now here’s a bitter pill for Americans to swallow: The United States is the third most expensive country for medical care in the entire world. As revealed by an analysis by Bloomberg, health-care costs in the U.S. are surpassed only by Norway ($9,715 per person) and Switzerland. ($9,276 per person). Countries with the lowest health-care…


The Outliers Inn; Financial Services Across the Spectrum

Welcome to Episode 3 of the Outliers Inn podcast series: Financial Services Across the Spectrum Topic: Every day we read about finance and doing mega-deals, but what about finance for the average business owner?  Most start-ups rely on credit-cards, but did you know there are avenues other than credit-cards?  For instance, consider the valuable, yet obscure,…