Winning in FastTime: Harness the Competitive Advantage of Prometheus in Business and Life

Developed at warp-speed and designed for overwhelming victory, the Desert Storm air campaign lit up the skies of Baghdad and changed strategic thinking forever. Now, John Warden - architect of the Desert Storm air campaign - and his partner, organizational consultant Leland Russell, have applied this proven approach to success to another kind of intense competition: the fast-changing world of 21st century business. Understand why the Prometheus Process is vital in today's world of crisis.
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf gave a ringing endorsement to John Warden’s new book, Winning in FastTime, with co-author Leland Russell. David Halberstam’s new book, War in a Time of Peace, suggested Col. Warden should have been on the cover of Time following the Gulf War
The system - Prometheus - is a mindset and a method for rapid, decisive strategic action. Its essence is simple: think strategically, focus sharply and move quickly. Leaders and managers of big-cap, mid-cap and startup companies, in high-tech finance, health care, and many other industries, have successfully applied Prometheus to meet the same kinds of challenges that you face.
Now, through clear, step-by-step directions and dramatic, behind-the-scenes stories, Winning in FastTime will explain Prometheus to you. Whether you are a CEO, a manager, a project leader, of simply a dedicated employee, this book will help you:
*Transform your organization into a nimble, market-leading winner;
*Design a Grand Strategy that everyone from the boardroom to the front line can share;
*Shape tomorrow...before it shapes you.
Winning in FastTime has a powerful message. You can control your destiny...if you are willing to shed yesterday's thinking about business strategy and organization...move fast and decisively...and make the future what you want it to be. Welcome to the world of Prometheus.
About the Author
Leland A. Russell is a consultant to numerous Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations in education and healthcare. An innovator in the areas of strategy deployment, leadership development, and knowledge management, he has written and narrated a series of widely acclaimed video programs on leadership and change. His model for mastering change, The Geo Paradigm, has been licensed to more than a thousand organizations in the U.S. and Latin America. The intranet architecture he designed for Texas Instruments, TI Tomorrow, was a finalist for the prestigious Computerworld Smithsonian Award, which recognizes “the most important applications of information technology to society” each year.