Excellent Customer Service Is Only Necessary If There Is A Choice

Excellent Customer Service Is Only Necessary If There Is A Choice

Human behavior is as funny as it is interesting.  We take as a given that with which we grew-up as a child – our country, local community, heritage, religion, government – collectively our experience.  We are conditioned to not question that which is “normal” – because that is the way it’s always been.  And not given an alternative…

Absinthe, the “Green Fairy”, and Operational Excellence

Absinthe, the “Green Fairy”, and Operational Excellence

XONITEK-US and XONITEK-UK recently hosted an Operational Excellence Summit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  If you have ever been to Amsterdam, you will know there are distinct cultural differences which are quite obvious if you are from New York – even from a pre-Giuliani New York. From each place I visit, I’ve always liked to acquire…