Operational Excellence by Design eNewsletter – May 2023
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2021 May Monthly Musing “The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It’s a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also…
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2022/23 Holiday Edition Monthly Musing As we complete another circuit around the sun, we find ourselves reflective of the year’s hard-fought battles won and lost, of loves arrived and departed, and of our professional successes and disappointments. With rebuilding spirit and energy, we look with great anticipation…
May 2019 Monthly Musing Whether high school or college, students around the world are graduating. Some will go on to further their education, some will enter the job market – many for the first time. More likely than not, the job the get will not be their ideal job or their last job, but the…
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2022 July/August Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Best Practices for Designing and Deploying an Operational Excellence Program I have written a lot of articles and generated a lot of content for the benefit of those individuals and organizations that wish to launch…
Operational Excellence By DesignSM 2022 November Monthly Musing Connecting With Us Founder’s Corner – Joseph Paris Culture Change: Go Ugly Early – Go Ugly Fast I hear a lot about “culture change”, but what is culture? Why do we need to change it? What changes would need to be made? And…
Operational Excellence By Design SM September 2020 Get your copy of “State of Readiness” today! Monthly Musing “Reorganization to me is shuffling boxes, moving boxes around. Transformation means that you’re really fundamentally changing the way the organization thinks, the way it responds, the way it…