How do you stay on course when the direction keeps changing?

What technology companies need to do to create an agile operating model in today’s unpredictable world.

Questions to ask

  • Can your operating model stand up in an unpredictable world?
  • Will your operating model propel you into the future?
  • Is your operating model agile enough?

The recent rise in global trade-related risks and technology nationalism has had many effects on the technology industry. These range from export restrictions; tariff hikes; tighter privacy rules, including data onshoring; and shifts in employment requirements to closer scrutiny of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and ownership rules.

Technology companies are facing this imperative at a time when the boundaries between technology and other sectors are rapidly disappearing due to digital disruption. The convergence across industries is being reinforced by a common need for data and technologies — and by cross-sector trends. These include the creation of industry ecosystems, the formation of partnerships around data and technology, rising investments in new hybrid technologies, and digitalization of everything — as well as exploration of new business models.

To gain deeper insights on the growing risks and challenges that technology companies must overcome while operating in a truly global environment, EY teams conducted a global research survey. The findings were supplemented with additional insights and recommendations from the EY Global Technology Sector team to better understand what technology companies need to do to be successful in an ever-changing world.

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